Matomo: Subschema's Go To


Big Tech Web Analytics Alternatives in the Age of Privacy

In today's digital landscape, businesses rely heavily on data-driven insights to make informed decisions and optimize their online presence. Web analytics plays a crucial role in understanding user behavior, tracking website performance, and driving data-backed strategies. While there are several web analytics platforms available, one platform that stands out is Matomo (formerly known as Piwik). Matomo is an open-source web analytics platform that offers a range of powerful features, data privacy, and customization options, making it an excellent choice for website owners and businesses.

First, Never Underestimate the Importance of Web Analytics

Web analytics is the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing website data to understand user behavior and optimize website performance. It provides valuable insights into various aspects of a website, including visitor demographics, traffic sources, page views, conversion rates, and more. By leveraging web analytics, businesses can make data-backed decisions, improve user experiences, and drive overall growth.

The Advantages of Matomo

Matomo offers a range of advantages that make it a preferred choice for businesses seeking a comprehensive web analytics solution. Let's explore some of its key features and benefits:

1. Comprehensive Data Privacy

One of the major concerns businesses face with web analytics is data privacy. Matomo addresses this concern by offering comprehensive data privacy features. As an open-source platform, Matomo allows users to have complete control over their data and customize the platform to their specific needs. It also ensures GDPR compliance, protecting user data and privacy with cookieless tracking option. Businesses using Matomo have the ability to delete or export data at any time, providing transparency and control over their information. Additionally, Matomo does not use third-party tracking cookies and does not allow third-party companies to access user data.

2. Customization and Flexibility

Matomo offers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing users to create their own custom dashboards and reports. It provides a user-friendly interface that enables businesses to tailor the analytics platform to their specific requirements. This customization empowers businesses to focus on the metrics that matter most to gain meaningful insights at a glance. Matomo can be whitelabeled, allowing an experience that matches the organization using the platform.

3. User Segmentation

Understanding different types of users and their behavior is essential for businesses to optimize their website and marketing strategies. Matomo offers powerful user segmentation capabilities, allowing businesses to categorize users based on various criteria such as demographics, location, and behavior. This segmentation helps businesses gain deeper insights into user preferences and target specific user groups with personalized experiences.

4. Heat Maps and Customer Journey Analytics

Matomo goes beyond traditional web analytics by offering additional features such as heat maps and customer journey analytics. Heat maps provide visual representations of user interactions on a website, highlighting areas of interest and areas that may need improvement. Customer journey analytics, on the other hand, track and analyze the entire customer journey from the first touchpoint to conversion. These features provide valuable insights into user behavior and help businesses optimize their website for better engagement and conversions.

5. Integration Capabilities

Matomo seamlessly integrates with various other platforms and services, enhancing its functionality and usability. For example, it offers integrations with popular content management systems like WordPress, allowing users to easily track website performance and gain insights directly within their CMS. It also integrates with advertising platforms like AdWords, enabling businesses to track the performance of their ad campaigns and optimize their strategies for better results.

Matomo vs. Other Web Analytics Platforms

When comparing Matomo to other web analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, it's important to consider the unique advantages and features that set Matomo apart. While Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics are widely used and offer robust features, Matomo provides an alternative that prioritizes data privacy, customization, and control. Matomo's open-source nature allows businesses to have complete ownership and control over their data, eliminating concerns about data sharing with third-party companies.

Getting Started with Matomo

Getting started with Matomo is straightforward. Users can choose between the self-hosted option or the cloud option, depending on their specific needs. The self-hosted option allows businesses to host Matomo on their own servers, providing complete control and data ownership. The cloud option, on the other hand, is a managed option where Matomo hosts the instance and data for the user.

The Bottom Line

Web analytics is an essential component of any successful online strategy. Matomo's comprehensive features, data privacy, and customization options make it a powerful web analytics platform for businesses of all sizes. It provides valuable insights into user behavior, allows for personalized experiences, and empowers businesses to make data-backed decisions. By leveraging Matomo, businesses can optimize their websites, improve user experiences, and drive growth in today's data-driven digital landscape.

Note: Matomo (formerly Piwik) is an open-source web analytics platform that provides businesses with comprehensive data privacy, customization options, and powerful features. With Matomo, businesses have complete control over their data, can create custom dashboards and reports, and gain valuable insights into user behavior. Matomo is an ideal choice for businesses seeking a web analytics platform that prioritizes data privacy, customization, and control.

Scott Fillman, EdD

Co-Founder & Analytics Implementation Engineer, Subschema